ceo envision builders

Initially, I began shopfitting and cabinet making in the construction industry. Soon after I completed my apprenticeship, I discovered a new passion for building homes. This led me to attain my trade qualification in carpentry. Over time, I honed my skills and used them to secure and execute contracts in Dubai, building green houses in the desert. A few years later, I relocated to Lae, Papua New Guinea where I ran a team of 80 men building industrial warehouses and a multi-level office block attached to a small wholesale supermarket. I spent over three years there, and I spent my nights studying to obtain my Cert IV in Building and Construction. During my weekends I was lucky enough to explore the country on dirt bikes with the Morobe Motorcycle Club aka the MMC.

When I returned home, I was employed as a Project Manager for a building company specialising in insurance work, Government housing projects and renovations. They developed a high-end style of granny flat that I was fortunate enough to be involved in, from the sales, concept, estimating, and then all the way to building it. It was this project that made me realise I had more to give and the only way to grow was to get out there on my own.

Envision Building Group was started with a mission in mind; I wanted to build a company culture of professionals that look forward to coming to work each day. Providing a service to the community and striving to be the expert within my niche. Our focus for the future centres on sustainable growth and structuring processes. We always push our team to work hard to produce higher quality results that lead to happier clients and our ultimate goal of 100% satisfaction.

Brad Paull

brad paul